Just had a soft egg with lots of butter and three Etta treats (liver) mixed in. We had our first MEAL!!! HUZZAH! He's been eating the Etta treats and the K9 Immunity Plus (you'd think he wouldn't want anything that was good for him, would you, but he also ate a Pet Tab!). He had not been interested at all in food, except for about 5 tablespoons of peanut butter during the night, the Etta treats and the K9 Immunity Plus. So, this egg is a BIG victory (one does not live by peanut butter alone -- well, most people don't).
We took a trip outside again (the Cisplatin treatment really has diuretic aftershock, he's not going as much as they said, which was every 2 hours, but he needs to go every 3 1/2) He just went right down the ramp (thanks Mikey and Brad) and out the down stairs (4) like a pro! Could NOT be more impressed.
Was concerned between 0300 and 0630 this AM that he was having trouble with the Fentanyl patch. I found that if I held him and massaged the muscles of his foreleg and head that he calmed down and wouldn't enter the crying out phase of the reaction. Since they tell me that it's like having a hangover, the only thing I could think to do was massage -- after all, what do you want when you have a hangover? Dark, quiet, understanding and a good massage to ease that headache (his muscles were in knots).
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